Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why Egypt?

Of all the places on this vast planet, why did I choose Egypt as the destination for my dream vacation. Well, ever since I was a young child I have always had a deep fascination with ancient Egyptian history. To this day I am intrigued by ancient Egyptian civilization, their beliefs on the afterlife and their significant architectural accomplishments considering the lack of technology at the time. The reason I wish to visit Egypt is to witness first hand those accomplishments of ancient Egyptians, the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Abu Simbel, the Temples of Karnak and the Valley of the Kings. By visiting these places, I hope to gain a greater understanding of why pharaohs in ancient times vested so much time and manpower into constructing such massive structures such  as the Temples of Karnak. I also hope to learn more about ancient Egyptians belief in the afterlife and why pharaohs bodies were preserved or mummified. Egypt is my dream destination because of my profound interest in the ancient Egyptian civilization and my thirst to experience first hand the many structures which were an integral part of ancient Egyptian society.

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